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Pretty Good Hat

After all, who among us hasn’t had iOS autocorrect “patience” to something unexpected as part of work email? Asking for a friend who just closed an email with “thanks for your oat wiener.”

Top down photo of a pizza on a cutting board

Don’t tell the ooni bros, but I made this gluten free pizza in my toaster oven and it turned out pretty great.

Just sitting here thinking about how good the whole middle guitar solo section of Rush’s “Marathon” is. Like 3:40 to 4:40 kind of comes tearing out of nowhere.

Hmm. Is this cracker super stale, or just gluten-free? 1/

I have climbed the Creaky Tall Ladder to replace the smoke alarm battery beneath the Vaulted Ceiling, and have therefore fulfilled the Dad Grimoire for at least a week.

A woman on a paddleboard in the foreground. The background is a sun-lit mountain perfectly reflected in blue water ahead.

We got up to Causey Reservoir for another morning paddle this week. Calm water made for some stunning and sometimes hypnotic, views.

Feeling safe enough to spend some time indoors at my parents’ house, I’ve been able to complete some important things that have been long neglected, like software updates and turning off motion smoothing on their new TV.