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Pretty Good Hat

Tag: winter

A brown, cedar-sided house enveloped in deep snow. The sidewalk and stairs have been cleared, leaving piles of snow on either side, and the driveway is cleared but covered in a light dusting of new snow, and snow is swirling in the air.

The official snowfall at the airport near us was 17+ inches in this storm. We got all shoveled out without needing to get the snowblower fired up, but the forecast is calling for another twelve to eighteen inches in the next two days. Gonna have to stay limber.

A set of bright red windowpanes frame a reflection in the glass of a photographer with a silver camera to hit face. He is wearing a yellow knit hat and yellow leather gloves. Behind the glass several chairs and a long bar counter are visible in warm indoor light.

I did get out for a quick photo walk downtown yesterday before getting rained out. I liked this selfie I shot in the window of a brewpub and I’m really enjoying using my old 35mm Pentax lens on my X-T30 as I get more used to manual focus.