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Pretty Good Hat

a screenshot showing a panel of red and blue horizontal bars indicating play counts for artists.

Inspired by all the enthusiasm for Spotify’s end-of-year Wrapped summaries, tuneR is my extremely rudimentary first start at my own version, done in R/Shiny. I’d love to hear if it works for you and what else would make it more fun!

a pizza sitting on a wooden cutting board. It's topped with bright green slices of cooked sprouts, contrasting with white cheese and red sauce.

Pizza tonight: Brussels sprouts and oyster mushrooms! This was a good one. My gluten-free toaster-oven crust continues to do All Right.

I spent a lot of this week toting my X-T30 around the house, just shooting things I liked. Then I did some cabinet cleaning and handled the old X100S for a few minutes. Wow; the X100S still feels incomparable. That viewfinder is still so beautiful to use.

Per policy, I ate the last piece of pumpkin pie for breakfast, straight from the baking dish, standing at the sink.

Also, breaking news: Tonight we made another pie.